List of Top 10 Haunted Places In Ohio

List of Top 10 Haunted Places In Ohio- Ohio A beautiful State located in midwestern part of United State. This beautiful state known for its politeness and humble nature and the ghosts or evil spirts of this state are no different. 

List of Top 10 Haunted Places In Ohio

By exploring the List of Top 10 Haunted places in Ohio, you surely will encounter a family's ghosts whose members are found dead during their sleep, A ghost of writer who write for the protection environment and wildlife, and an very humble apparition of women who do not take ride even if someone is offering. These ghosts or sprits are like Ohio's people humble and polite in nature but do not get wrong Idea some are very dangerous they have made very dark stain of Horror in many minds.

Not only places, there are many Haunted hotels in Ohio in the end of article we will mentioned those hotel's names, if you thing you are brave to handle evil sprits then you should visit those hotels but in this article we are going to discover the Top 10 Haunted Places in Ohio in detail. The ranking is based on ghost encounters and supernatural events take places these places and the impact they created. If you are still with us Let go to find out horror history of the haunted places in Ohio.

Top 10 Haunted Places in Ohio 

First of all we have to understand why some places become haunt. There are many concepts on that we are going to talk about few then we will move further for exploring the Haunted places in Ohio. These are the reasons why some place become haunted.

Reason First- Sudden death or suicide of someone. It was consider that the ghost does not how to count years which is they have stuck in this realm. If someone is died from sudden death their soul may get free from this world when your living year is get finished on this earth but for those who attempted suicide that fall under the category of sins. Their souls will be bounded in this realm and never get relief. Which is why some of the places in Ohio are haunted.

Reason Second- Practicing black magic in wrong ways or not to pass on your black magic knowledge such as Karanpishachani ( ) to someone who willing want that knowledge can doom some souls for eternity in this in realm. These are the few reasons why some places become haunted places. Here we are going to Provide you List of Top 10  Haunted places in Ohio that become haunted due to such reasons.
  1. Bobby Mackey's, Cincinnati
  2. Sedamsville Rectory, Cincinnati
  3. Van Wegner Road, Oak Run Town
  4. State Route 29
  5. Licking Counting Jail, Newark
  6. Wood Surrounding London, Ohio
  7. Patterson Tower, Kettering 
  8. Moonville Tunnel, Mcathur
  9. South Bass Island Light-house, Put-In-Bay
  10. Malabar Farm State Park, Lucas

1. Bobby Mackey's, Cincinnati

Bobby Mackey is considered one of the haunted nightclub in America this place was build in 1850. It has been said that this place was served as slaughterhouse where meatpacking was being done. We can imagine as much as creepiest imagination you can blood of slaughter animals, inner organ of the animals and other animal's waste and these all in very hug amounts. If this thinking is not enough scaring then this might hit the spot. In past year there are many murders in and around this place.

This place is full of dark energy, A energy that is haunting the living around this area. Many people encounters supernatural happening inside the based of this club that includes suffocation from heat, flying of trashcan, and the most horrifying is sudden appearance of a mustaches man with handlebar in his hand in the mirror.

2. Sedamsville Rectory, Cincinnati

Sedamdville Rectory is one of the historical and old buildings in Cincinnati. This Ville was used by the priests of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church for their residence but there is question about their moral characters because there was many case of animal torturing while they live there and the priest doing was covered by the church. Letter on, his fellow priest felt uneasy and felt the apparition of something at the place of abuse. Consentaneously abuse accumulated the dark energy in that place and now it remains their for eternity.

Since then there was many horrifying events occurs in this building that includes the crying of animals and scratches on the worker's body who is working in that building. This Ville currently under the possession of Terrie Scott, She said that, she was pushed by some dark force. You can understand the terror of this Sedamsville Rectory by this for the redemption of this place priest is being called for performing exorcisms to this place. For the time being the evil was constrained but as, I previously said it will remain for eternity and wait for right time to strike.

3. Van Wenger Road, Oak Run Town

Van Wenger Road of Oak Run Town is considered one of the most haunted roads in Ohio. Terror of this road toped of the List of top most haunted road in Ohio. According to legend, There was murder of a Women committed by her jealous husband in a home which is not very far this Van Wenger Road.

When someone passing through this route, they always notice a woman in white gown which was covered in blood who asked for help. The moment someone offers the ride or try to help she nervously refuses. When a driver reported this to an officer, officer was stunned because he was having the same reports over the year. When the murder place was investigated, they found the dead body of a women in the well. 

4. State Route 29

State Route 29 considered one of the haunted route in Ohio. A home between two cornfield was exterminated by the fire and people in that house was burn to death while they were sleeping. Burned grasses and walkway tress when ever you see that on State Route 29 then know that, that the place belongs to burnt ones, their remains still available in that soil.

During the full moon night when travelers passes from that place claimed that they have seen shadow's outlines of the that burnt house where that was situated before. Some of them also claimed the smelling of burnt ashes but the most horrifying event was running of a burnt girl in front of headlight when someone speeding near to that house. The moment driver stops the vehicle, it get disappear.

5. Licking Counting Jail, Newark

If it comes to telling the horror of Jails then the Licking Counting jail of Newark will toped amongst the horror of Jails, Opening of this jail was done in 1859 and now it opens only for those prisoners who are serving afterlife sentences. This historical look like mansion can scared anyone to death when  you look this mansion during the dark moon night. Suppose if the outside scenario is like this then what the condition of inside there are many haunted cells and some of them are full of dark energy too.

After so many paranormal activities this place is now out of commission but when this place was opened, there was the death of 3 officers and 19 prisoners under this mansion's boundary. Even this place is out of commission still one can feel the howling sound and paranormal activities near to this mansion. This place is one of the best place for spotting paranormal activity, if you are brave enough to spot that then Licking Counting jail is calling for you.

6. Wood Surrounding London, Ohio 

This London is not London of England, This London city is located in state of Ohio, In the north of Ohio there is dense forest which are located on the Xenia and Robert mill road. This forest is mysterious in many way, when you go deep inside this forest you will discover rotten barn, the barn is rotten in such condition that it now totally integrated with the tress. This is the host spot where one can notice paranormal activities mean this is the place where ghost walks.

According to  Legends, In 1889, Once a family who has total five remembers passing from this jungle were stopped by the group of thieves. They rob them and kill them one the spot. Those who ever visited that place at night reported the gunshot sound, screaming of people, and some of also reported sudden drop of temperature while seeing hanging of mist from the tree.   

7. Patterson Tower, Kettering

The huge Patterson Tower made up of stone has been seen many time over the hills and Dales metro parks in Kettering, Ohio. This tower is pretty much resemble with the house of evil witch. Patterson Tower is also know as Frankenstein's castle. But there is no ghost of Frankenstein lives there but Peggy Harmeson does.

The story behind this Patterson Tower is belongs to young girl name Peggy. Once, Peggy and his friend snuck out from the park to tower during that time there was storm, suddenly a light strike the tower by which Peggy gets hits and on the spot she died. According to the legend, her soul was integrated with the lighting. On every storming night during heavy rain a apparition of girl appears with first lighting strike. Some also claim hearing of a girl cries during rain and most of people claims a girl looking at them from the top of the tower.

8. Moonville Tunnel, Mcarthur 

Tunnels have very dark histories, Moonville Tunnel of Mcarthur is no different. Even the name is sufficient for scaring the people. This cave is located deep in the jungle and the outer layer of this cave is framed by stones more to that the outlining of this cave is covered with green moss. This Tunnel is quiet long and dark inside when you enters in it there will be no hope of light. The look of this place sufficient for scaring people.

Now, this tunnel is out of work, this tunnel was used to connect with the coal town through the rail road. The haunting history of this place begins when a train conductor named Frank Lawhead mate with his unfortunate death by getting head on collision with another trains. Those who visits there tries to click the photo with their camera to look back but they only see pale figure of a man whom they never met in their entire life.

9. South Bass Island Light House, Put-In-Bay 

Pun-In-Bay a very unique and beautiful place of South Bass Island located on the beautiful Lake Erie. This place is must go to place for many adventure and tourist but they are unaware of dark history of this city. So Paranormal enthusiast does not have disappoint because they can explore the light house of south bass (a haunting place).

According to legend, during the late 18th century a viral get spread within the country. That virus was suppose to be small chicken pox. Many people died due to that disease. A body whose name by Samuel get depressed due the the death and disease which was surrounding him. Rather than than dying from the disease he get himself killed by pumping from the cliff in the water. Since then when ever someone passes that lighthouse they hears splash sound of water but when the look there they notice nothing. Those who have visited this lighthouse, they reported that hearing of someone's foot steps upstairs and slamming of doors on its own.

10. Malabar State Park, Lucas  

Ohio is full of mysterious place one of then is Malabar which have great importance this place is located Ohio State Park in Lucas. Previous owner of  Malabar state was a very popular writer who had won Pulitzer prize and known for his conservations writing skill his name was Louis Bromfield. This place is open for everyone to visit but only if you are brave enough because you may get encounter with Louis Bromfield and his associates.

A person working in that state reported that hearing of some sound from the Louis's room and chair pushing sound from desk. Some all claim that unseen cats rubbing against their legs. Many people have spotted the Louis ghost to his bedroom's window. This is all about the List of Top Haunted Places in Ohio if you want to read more about haunted places you will surely get more articles on this site.

NOTE* As i have in the end of article, I will provide you Top 10 Haunted Motels (Hotels). Here is the list 

1. The Buxton Inn, Granville, Ohio 2. Punderson Manor, Newbury, Ohio 3. Park Hotel, Put-In-Bay
4. Hotel Millerburg, Millerburg, Ohio 5. Hotel Lafayette, Marietta, Ohio 6. Rider's Inn, Painsville, Ohio
7. The Golden Lamb, Lebanon, Ohio 8. Colonel Taylor Inn Bed and Breakfast, Cambridge, Ohio
9. Spread Eagle Tavern & Inn, Hanoverton, Ohio 10. A Georgian Manner Bed & Breakfast, Logan, Ohio.



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