Karan Pishachani "A Myth or Reality"

Karan Pishachani "A myth or Reality"
Karan Pishachani "A Myth or Reality"

Before diving in this topic, you must know who is or what is Karan Pishachani. This article is just for providing knowledge related to such topic and does not promote any kali vidjaya. Let us understand what is Karan Pishachani? "Karan Pishachani is a negative energy to whom you can invoke by using mantra and by following certain set of rules. “This process require at least three days sometimes this may take more.

Once you invoke this, she will come to you in the form of most beautiful women according to your desire but you have to control on yourself only she can do what she wants. Every night you have to give her sexual pleasure and you cannot sleep with any other person. If you do so she will cut down your partner head. In case you are married she might kill your wife.

What you Gain by invoking Karan Pishachani

Invoking Karan Pishachani comes under kali Vidhya such ritual generally performed by Aghouri. They use such negative entity to solve people problems and sometimes helps them who needed to be get helped. But anyone can invoke Karam Pishachani, sometimes people succeed in this and they gain power of knowledge about future. Karan Pishachani during the sleep of the person whispers the future which shadak can hear loud and clear. Such kind of power help the person exceed in life. These are the list of benefits that you can gain by invoking Karan Pishachani.

  • There is debate that Karan Pishachani has power to whispers the future to its shadak’s ears.
  • But Karan Pichashani can tell the past and present in the ears of its shadak.

Rules To Follows Before Enchanting Karanpishachani’s Mantra

There are certain conditions or set of rules that you must follow before reciting the Karampishachani’s Matra otherwise you may not excide in invoking Karanpishachani and may suffer from some unnatural events. The rules are mentioned below read it carefully.

  1. You can not eat anything other that your own extra for your survival. Within these three days you have to drink your own urine and eat your own faeces.
  2. When you are able to excide in surviving for three days, On the third day KaranPishachani will appear in front of you in form of a beautiful girl, still you have to control over your sexual temptation, Only Karanpishachani herself can get sexually intimate with you. In any case if you try to get sexually intimate with her your shadana will break.
  3. If you excide in your shadana you can not have sex with any other woman. Your whole life you can only get intimate with Karanpishachani. In case if you are married, Karampishachani has authority to kill your partner if she wants.
  4. You have to fulfil sexual desire of Karampishachani whenever she wants even if you are not in mood. It may sound like pleasing but in the end it become frustrating.

  Mantra our Invoking Karan Pishachani

 For invoking Karanpishachani there is this Mantra that is mentioned below.

“Om Aim Hreem Shreem Dum Hum Phat Kanak Vajra Vaidurya Mukta Alankrat Bhushne Ahe Ahe Aagachh Aagachh Mam Karne Pravishya Pravishya Bhoot Bhavishya Vartmaan Kaal Gyan Door Drishti Door Shravanam Broohi Broohi Agni Stambnam Shatru Stambnam Shatru Mukh Stambnam Shatru Gati Stambnam Shatru Mati Stambnam Paresham Gatim Matim Sarva Shatrunaam Vaag Aarambh Stambnaam Kuru Kuru Shatru Karya Hani Kari Mam Karya Sidhi Kari Shatrunaam Udyog Vindhwans Kari Veer Chamundani Hatakdharini Nagri Puri Pattansthan Sammohini Asadhya Sadhini Om Shreem Hreem Aing Om Devi Han Han Hum Phat Swaha”

Warning Before Invoking Karanpishachani

Before invoking Karanpishachani you must ready for some unnatural events or circumstances. These are some examples of previous karanpishachani shadak suffer from which are mentioned below.

  1. If has been found out that some of the shadak committed suicide when they are unable to fulfil the sexual desire of Karanpishachani.
  2. Karanpishachani shadhana is a mud you must be very careful before entering in this mud, otherwise it may engulf you.
  3. Who has knowledge in the field of Karanpishachani Sadhana, they say Karanpishachani’s Sadhak have to serve Karanpishachani even after his death.
  4. Sometimes Karanpishachani Sadhana requires more than three days.


Karanpishachani Sadhana comes under Kali Vidhaya. This is some of the lower-level entity which reside under different demission. One can invokes such entity by following certain mantra and by following certain rule. Such entity has sexual desire that a sadhaka must have to fulfil in case Sadhak invoked the Karanpishachani. In return Karanpishachani whispers about the answers of certain question that Sadhak wants know. She can also tell the future and many Sadhak gets benefits for this Sadhana.  





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